Email Marketing Fitness Plan
Email Marketing Fitness Plan
. Please Note --> This is a Past Event!! .

Date: 12/12/2017
Time: 1:30 PM TO 5:30 PM

1003 East 106th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46280

(317) 569-1396

Event Description: These days, everyone is using email marketing to reach out and touch prospects and customers. So how do you stand out in the inbox? We will discuss that and so much more in this hands-on working session. In just one afternoon you can learn how to generate more leads, nurture interested prospects and even close more sales. Register today and you will learn how to: Grow your email list Create and use lead magnets to reach and engage a targeted audience Improve your email open and response rates Develop email sequences to attract and nurture interested leads

Roundpeg 1003 East 106th Street Indianapolis, IN 46280

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