Community Hospital North Community Hospital North Search | Advanced Search | New Members | Coupons and Discounts | All Categories   Health Care >> Hospitals Community Hospital North 7150 Clearvista DriveIndianapolis, IN 46256 | map | directions Angie Dunst (317) 621-6262 Visit Site Community Hospital North has been serving the people of Hamilton County and the north side of Indianapolis for 40 years. The depth and breadth of services offered at the Community Hospital North campus in Castleton have expanded greatly through the years, but Community’s “Patients First” focus and commitment to the community have been constants. Highly recognized programs such as emergency department care, pediatrics, behavioral health, surgery, dozens of specialty physicians, sleep labs, advanced mammography, laboratory services, eye care, women’s care, heart care, Community’s Wellspring Pharmacy and FigLeaf Boutique, with hard-to-find products and services for oncology patients, pregnant and breastfeeding women and others with special health-related needs are available, including greater access to care and the latest equipment to improve the lives of patients with the most complex neurological conditions—brain injuries, stroke, spinal cord injuries, severe burns, Parkinson’s and other neuromuscular diseases. The North campus offers a vast range of comprehensive outpatient services along with comprehensive inpatient care for patients with acute illnesses. No matter what level of health care you need, you’ll likely find it conveniently located here. Member Since: 1992 Send a message to: Community Hospital North Your Name: Your Email: Subject: Message: (Date: 3/12/2025) If your business isn't here, contact us today to get listed!